
Rudenko К.A.  

Experience of interaction of archeology and ethnography in the activities of professor b. F. Adler (Kazan period: 1911-1922)

The article deals with the scientific and pedagogical activity of the Kazan ethnographer, geographer and museum worker B. F. Adler in the context of the integration of archaeological and ethnographic knowledge. The author believes that with the arrival of B. F. Adler in Kazan in 1911, a new qualitative understanding of the tasks of archeology and ethnography begins here, as subjects that form the basis of the global science of man. This idea was continued by his students. On the issue of the integration of archeology and ethnography, B.F. Adler emphasized the "expansion of ethnography in depth", using archaeological sources for this. He believed that museum expositions on the culture of the peoples of the world should reflect not only the substantive ethnographic range of artifacts, but also reveal their "archaeological" origins. At the university, he attracted students for practical archaeological and ethnographic studies, organizing fairly long-distance expeditions even to the Urals and Western Siberia. 

Abstracts file: Руденко-тезисы (1).docx
Full text file: Руденко_интеграция-22.docx

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