Information letter
Dear colleagues!
In addition to the conference Proceedings we have full-text papers published in special issue of BMC Genomics journal in December 2015.
Volume 16 Supplement 13. Selected articles from the 7th International Young Scientists School
Edited by Ancha V Baranova and Yuriy L Orlov,
George Mason University and Insitute of Cytology&Genetics SB RAS
Isobel Peters, BioMed Central Supplements Senior Project Manager
Several papers based on the School materials are accepted for publication at BMC Genetics and BMC Microbiology special issue devoted to SBB'15. It will be published in January 2016.
"Vavilov journal of genetics and breeding" (in Russian) is now indexed in Web-of-Science. The journal has special issue on bioinformatics keeping also some papers and materials presented by young scientists at SBB'15.
Welcome to SBB-2016 and BGRS-2016 in Novosibirsk next year!
(updated 17.12.2015)
FOTO SBB-2015 -
Dear colleagues,
The Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia, will arrange 22-25 June 2015
the 7th International Young Scientists School “Systems Biology and Bioinformatics” - SBB-2015.
The School was financially supported from Russian Science Foundation grant “Programmed cell death induced via death receptors: Delineating molecular mechanisms of apoptosis initiation via molecular modeling” № 14-44-00011.
You can download the program of the School SBB’2015 by the link: School Program (new, 20.06.2015) , Scientific program (new, 20.06.2015)
Bioinformatics is a rapidly developing field of knowledge. Each of the past Young Scientists Schools concerned topics urgent at those times. To preserve this tradition, the SBB-2015 will be dedicated to bioinformatics and systems biology.
The principal task of systems biology is integrated experimental and computer-assisted investigation of regularities in the organization and functions of biologic systems at the molecular, cell, tissue, organ, and body levels on the base of the information encoded in genomes.
Important sources of experimental data for systems biology are efficient technologies: high-throughput parallel sequencing of genomic DNA and analysis of its populational and evolutionary variability, analysis of the expression of genes and gene sets, structural and functional investigation of proteins and metabolites by methods of proteomics and mass spectrometry, study of the structures and functions of biologic objects (biomolecules, chromosomes, cells, tissues, organs, and organisms) by up-to-date microscopic methods and intravital tomography of laboratory animals, and construction of molecular systems by gene engineering methods. Bioinformatics methods are important for systems biology. They allow accumulation and consolidation of experimental data, computer-assisted analysis, and mathematical modeling of the structures, functions, and evolution of living systems. High-throughput (supercomputer-assisted and distributed) computation plays a great role in bioinformatics.
Systems biology follows physics in that comprehensive theoretical and computerized analysis of systems and processes under study is essential for the design and interpretation of an experiment. For this reason, much attention will be placed on studies based on the integration of experimental and computer-assisted approaches.
Here are the fields of bioinformatics and systems biology on which the School will be focused in 2015 (still preliminary):
1) Next generation sequencing (NGS) and data analysis
2) Evolutionary bioinformatics
3) Systems biology and gene network modeling
The list of practical trainings is given on the page "Scientific program"
To participate in the practical training it is necessary to choose topics until 12 May via the website of the School by selecting topics in your personal page.
Welcome to the 7th International Young Scientists School “Bioinformatics and Systems Biology”, SBB-2015!
Please contact us at