
The school-conference includes the following scientific areas:

1. The theory of inverse and ill-posed problems and regularization methods.
2. Numerical methods and mathematical support for solving global multi-criteria optimization problems.
3. Big data, tensor decomposition: theory and algorithms.
4. Inverse problems in social processes.
5. Inverse and ill-posed environmental problems.
6. Inverse problems of biology and medicine.
7. Stochastic differential equations and inverse problems.
8. Inverse problems for parabolic equations.
9. Tomography.


Lectures by members of the International Program Committee and invited speakers, 
speeches by young (not older than 35 years) participants and the publication of works (Web of Science, Scopus) are planned.

Forms of participation:

1) full-time participation,
2) participation as a listener,

3) correspondence participation with the possibility of a report and posting the text of the report on the conference website.
Correspondence participants will receive all conference materials.


Working languages of the conference: Russian and English.