
Registration fee

Russian and CIS Citizens:

Early registration fee (by May 10, 2017) - 3000 rubles

Late registration fee (after May 10, 2017) - 3500 rubles

Students and PhD Students (at any time) - 1000 rubles




Foreign participants  
(Europe, USA, Japan, etc.)
US $ 350 (by June 12, 2017)

The Conference fee should be sent via bank transfer to:

Beneficiary: ICMMG SB RAS   
Beneficiary’s account: № 40503840201030000003

Beneficiary Bank:  B&N Bank
                                 Moscow, Russia
                                 SWIFT: MOBWRUMM
Intermediary Bank:  
acc. 890-0514-841
Bank of New York, One Wall str., 8 th Floor New York NY, 10286 USA,


When filling out the payment order, please, include the "Details of Payment":

1) Your Full Name;

2) Registration fee for the International Conference TCMIIP 2017.