Abstract submission

In order to register one has to register online and send one-page pdf (and tex) abstract to the email address mshishlenin@ngs.ru before September 1, 2011.


one has to send the registration form below and one-page pdf (and tex) abstract to the email address mshishlenin@ngs.ru before September 1, 2011.


Scientific Conference and Young Scientists School Registration Form

Last name, First name, Middle name_______________________________________

Birth date (for participants, who are younger than 35)___________________________



Title of the presentation__________________________________________________

Postal address________________________________________________________

Email _______________________________________________________________


Example of an Abstract (one page in pdf and tex)

Numerical Method for …


Johnson J.
Novosibirsk State University

Let us consider the following…


  1. Johnson J.  On numerical solution … Journal of computational mathematics and …, 2010, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 1-15