Novosibirsk, Russia

4 - 8 June, 2012


Achievements, Developments and Perspectives, The VI-th International Conference

General information

On behalf of the Novosibirsk State University, P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computational Technology of Siberian Branch of RAS, S.S. Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics of Siberian Branch of RAS, and the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to announce the VI International Conference “SOLITONS, COLLAPSES AND TURBULENCE: Achievements, Developments and Perspectives” between June 04 - June 08, 2012. We shifted the dates of the conference to June 4-8 2012. We hope that this time will be more convenient for most of you compared to the time that was initially announced. The conference will be held in Akademgorodok - Novosibirsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of RAS at “Dom Uchenyh” (the House of Scientists).

The conference will cover a broad spectrum of problems within three topics of crucial interest in nonlinear science: solitons, collapses and turbulence. The main goal of this conference is to bring together key scientists with various backgrounds and expertise, both physicists and mathematicians (young researchers are welcome), working in the field of nonlinear science in order to discuss the main directions of development, achievements and perspectives, to further develop existing connections and (or) establish new links between three main branches of nonlinear science: SOLITONS, COLLAPSES and TURBULENCE.

The topics will range from nonlinear optics, plasma physics, hydrodynamics, solid state physics, differential geometry, string theory, and gravity, to soliton theory, combining the inverse scattering transform and recent approaches to exact integrable and near integrable models, wave collapse physics, turbulence and chaos.

It is planned to have a balanced mix of theory, experiment and industrial applications and organise a truly interdisciplinary conference.

Please confirm your participation and register at the conference site If there are problems with on-line registration, please fill forms in and return them to organizing commitee via e-mail according to the deadline schedule.

Please note that the date of final registration and abstract submission was shifted to March 8 2012.


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Photo of Akademgorodok from bird's-eye view by Gelio