
Безуглова Н.Н.   Зинченко Г.С.   Суковатов К.Ю.  

Monitoring of atmospheric boundary layer (in conditions of industrial town)

Reporter: Безуглова Н.Н.

Atmospheric boundary layer  (ABL) is characterized by wide spatio-temporal variability. Using up-to-date data instrument for local and remote observation of different surface air characteristics lets amplify modeling and monitoring resources. By the instrumentality of ultrasonic weather complex AMC-03 located at IWEP SB RAS (Barnaul) the continuous series of meteorological and turbulent parameters for surface air by   target average time were got. To estimate the turbulent regime in town surface air the meteorological and turbulent parameters for different synoptic processes  were analyzed.  Limit of range of certain turbulent parameters for different synoptic processes  was defined.

Abstracts file: bezuglova.doc
Full text file: Bezuglova_N.doc

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