
Baklanov, Alexander

World Meteorological Organization
Швейцария, Geneva

Список докладов

  1. Mahura A.*, Nuterman R.**, Baklanov A.***, Nerobelov G.****, Sedeeva M.****, Амосов П.*****, Лосев А.*****, Максимова В.*****, Pankratov F.******, Габышев Д.*******, Смышляев С.********, Petaja T.*, Zilitinkevich S.*, Kulmala M.*
    Enviro-HIRLAM seamless modelling approach for environmental studies: recent research and development
    *University of Helsinki (Helsinki), Финляндия
    **University of Copenhagen, Niels Bohr Institute (Копенгаген), Дания
    ***World Meteorological Organization (Geneva), Швейцария
    ****St. Petersburg State University (St.-Petersburg), Россия
    *****Kola Science Center (Апатиты), Россия
    ******Kola Science Center (Апатиты), Россия
    *******University of Tyumen (Тюмень ), Россия
    ********Russian State Hydrometeorological University (St.-Petersburg), Россия
  2. Baklanov A.*, Schmale J.**, Law K.***, Vitale V.****, Mahura A.*****, Petaja T.*****
    Northern Urbanization under global- and climate change: challenges and strategies with respect to weather and pollution for sustainable development
    *World Meteorological Organization (Geneva), Швейцария
    **Paul Scherrer Institute, Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (Villigen), Швейцария
    ***LATMOS/IPSL, Sorbonne Université, UVSQ, CNRS (Paris), Франция
    ****Institute of Atmospheric Science and Climate, CNR (Bologna), Италия
    *****University of Helsinki (Helsinki), Финляндия

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