
Nechepurenko, Yuri

Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS
Russia, 119333, Moscow, Gubkin str., 8
Phone: +7(495)9381769, Fax: +7(495)9381821

Reports list

  1. Khristichenko M.*, Bocharov G.**, Grebennikov D.***, Nechepurenko Y.**
    Chronic hepatitis B modelling within the Marchuk-Petrov model
    *Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences (г. Москва), Russia
    **Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS (Moscow), Russia
    ***Институт вычислительной математики РАН (Moscow), Russia
  2. Zasko G.V.*, Perezhogin P.A.**, Glazunov A.V.**, Mortikov E.V.***, Nechepurenko Y.**
    Emergence of optimal disturbances in stratified turbulent shear flow under the stochastic forcing
    *Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences (г. Москва), Russia
    **Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS (Moscow), Russia
    ***Research Computing Center of Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow), Russia

To participants list