
Чиркунов Ю.А.  

Classification of gas dinamics equations with respect of conservation laws

Classification according to the zero-order conservation  laws of  n-dimentional   gas dynamics equations by means of  A-operators method proposed by the author (all generealized symmetries of the system of differential equations are subset of the set of its A-operators) is realized [1]. It is obtained new state equation of gas for which takes plase extention of set of conservation laws. All zero-order conservation laws to n-dimentional gas dynamics equations with pressure remaining in particle are found [2]. Classification according to the zero-order conservation  laws of equations of isoentropic gas motion is carried out [3]. Conservation laws for equations of  plane-parallel stationary irrotational isoentropic gas motion are investigated with the help of Chaplygyn system; new nonlinear nonlocal conservation laws are obtained.


1. Chirkunov  Yu. A. Method of A-operators and Conservation Laws for the Equations of  Gas Dynamics. J. of Appl. Mech. and Techn. Phys. 2009. V. 50. No. 2. P. 213 – 219.
2. Chirkunov  Yu. A. The Conservation Laws and Group Properties of the Equations of Gas Dynamics with Zero Velocity of Sound. J. of App. Math. and Mech. 2009. V. 73. P. 421 –  425.
3.Chirkunov  Yu. A. Conservation Laws and Group Properties of Equations of isentropic Gas Motion. J. of Appl. Mech. and Techn. Phys. 2010. V. 51. No. 1. P. 1 – 3.

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