General information

International conference “Mathematical Modeling and High-Performance Computing in Bioinformatics, Biomedicine and Biotechnology”, MM&HPC-2014

This section is organized by Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS

Chair of international program committee: RAS corresponding member Prof. S.I. Kabanikhin, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia

Innovate computer technology development gives opportunity to solve problems of modeling in life sciences, biology and biomedicine at a totally new level. Rise of new parallel computation systems architecture requires new algorithm design for solving problems of modeling cell molecular processes, for prediction and analysis of 3D protein structure, analysis of chromosomal structures and genomic information.

Development of high-performance computing, cloud computing and services of data storage for Life Sciences are of special interest.

The results of recent researches in the following fields will be discussed:

1) High-performance and distributed computing in system biology and biomedicine

2) Data mining methods in natural sciences

3) Problems of mathematical modeling in life sciences: direct and inverse problems

4) Mathematical modeling of gene and metabolic networks

5) Mathematical modeling in biomedicine

6) Mathematical modeling of biopolymers structure and dynamics

7) Modeling of DNA-protein and protein-protein interactions

8) Use of application program packs for solving problems of bioinformatics and biomedicine

9) Modeling of pharmacokinetic processes in the body. Numerical methods of solving direct and inverse problems.

10) Mathematical models of immune processes. Direct and inverse problems in immunology.

11) Researching and classification of phase portraits of nonlinear dynamic systems.

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