
Oberlack, Martin

Директор, Dr. habil.

TU Darmstadt
Германия, Дармштадт

Список докладов

  1. Гребенев В.Н.*, Oberlack M.**, Grichkov A.***
    Conformal invariance of the zero-vorticity isolines in 2D turbulence
    *Institute of Computational Technologies of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, ICT SB RAS (Новосибирск), Россия
    **TU Darmstadt (Дармштадт), Германия
    ***Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sao Paulo (Сан-Паоло), Бразилия
  2. Oberlack M.*
    Linear shear flow – Lie symmetries, non-linear stability and non-linear Eigen-function problems
    *TU Darmstadt (Дармштадт), Германия
  3. Plümacher D.*, Oberlack M.**
    On a New Infinite Dimensional Hierarchy of Multipoint Characteristic Functions of Turbulence
    *Technical University of Darmstadt, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chair of Fluid Dynamics (Дармштадт), Германия
    **TU Darmstadt (Дармштадт), Германия

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