
Vasin, Vladimir

Chief Scientist, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics

Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics URB RAS
Russia, 620290, Ekaterinburg
Phone: 8(343)3753480, Fax: 8(343)3742581

Reports list

  1. Akimova E.N.*, Vasin V.*, Martyshko P.S.**
    Methods of solving of the gravity and magnetic structure inverse problems
    *Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics URB RAS (Ekaterinburg), Russia
    **Институт геофизики Уральского отделения РАН (Ekaterinburg), Russia
  2. Vasin V.*
    Nonlinear inverse problems: regularization and iterative approximation
    *Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics URB RAS (Ekaterinburg), Russia

To participants list