Россия, г. Тюмень
XXIII международный научный симпозиум "Интеграция археологических и этнографических исследований"/ The XXIII th international scientific symposium «The Integration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Researches»

Tkachev A.A.   Gyurdzhoyan K.G.   Tkachev A.A.   Filatova M.O.  

Dendrochronological Dating of Early Christian Burials in the Taz Arctic: Preliminary Data

Reporter: Filatova M.O.

As a result of archeological work on the territory of the Tazovsky District of the YNAO, it were discovered 2 new archaeological objects: the settlement of Num-khibia-sikheri (NKhS) VI and the burial ground of Num-khibia-sikheri VIa. During the excavations it was releaved a large amount of archaeological timber of a high degree of preservation, which made possible to carry out a dendrochronological analysis in order to determine the time of timber harvesting for the construction of these archaeological sites with an accuracy of a year/season.
The conducted analysis showed that: grave 4 of  NKhS VI is dated no earlier than 1909; grave 7 of NKhS VI - not earlier than the 2nd half of the 18th century; grave 2 NKhS VIа – not earlier than 1840s; grave 4 of NKhS VIа – not earlier than 1830s; grave 9 of the NKhS VIа – not earlier than the second quarter of the 19th century.
This paper contributes to the solution of the scientific problem associated with the chronological framework of Num-khibia-sikheri VI and VIa sites’ functioning, and also prepares the basis for further research related to the analysis of t the funeral rite’s features and the items found in them.

Abstracts file: Ткачев А.А. и др. Таблица к тезисам (Тюмень).docx
Full text file: Ткачев А.А. и др. Тезисы (Тюмень).docx

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