Россия, г. Тюмень
XXIII международный научный симпозиум "Интеграция археологических и этнографических исследований"/ The XXIII th international scientific symposium «The Integration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Researches»

Marsadolov L.S.  


Over the past five decades, in Siberia archaeologists have not only searched for and excavated new sites, but also developed new approaches to previously explored archaeological sites – mounds, calculations, settlements, stone sculptures and petroglyphs. At that time, new types of ancient objects were discovered on the Sayano-Altai mountains – sanctuaries, megaliths, observational astro-points and a giant "zoo-anthropomorphic sculpture". Sacred signs at archaeological sites and sanctuaries can be identified by studying: 1) the surrounding landscape; 2) orientation and marking of sacred objects and paths to them; 3) pictorial images on stones, rocks, objects (main and secondary compositions); 4) the most revered objects - altars, bonfires, images, structures made of stones and steles, water sources, mountain peaks, important for understanding the main purpose of the ancient sanctuary; 5) ancient knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, geometry embedded in large and small objects. An integral approach allows you to combine ancient knowledge into a single whole.

Full text file: Марсадолов.zip

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