
Sobolnikova T.   Kuzina A.V.  

Materials of the expeditions of S K. Patkanov to the southern khants as a source for archaeological and ethnographic research

Reporter: Sobolnikova T.

S. K. Patkanov’s archaeological discoveries made during his travel to Western Siberia in 1887–1888  was remained unknown to subsequent generations of scientists. Documents associated with them were recently revealed in the archives of the Institute for the History of Material Culture (IIMK) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The purpose of this research is comparison of materials of the expeditions of S. K. Patkanov, conducted in the lower Irtysh river and the Konda river basin, with a modern archaeological map, the results of the field work of the authors.
At the end, there were drawn conclusions about the relevance and value of the works of S. K. Patkanov as a source for archaeological and ethnographic research. It is important for the archaeologist because more than 1/3 of monuments discovered by them still not found. The information he collected about the veneration of these "monuments antiquity" by the southern Khanty associated with their traditions, cults are unique for the ethnographers.

Full text file: Собольникова_Кузина.docx

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