
Donina L.N.   Suslova S.V.  

Diacronic ethnoarchelogical analysis of Kazan filigree: on the example of "Tatars syrgasy"

Reporter: Donina L.N.

For the first time, the article carried out a retrospective historical-ethnological and technological analysis of almond-shaped filigree earrings, which are a marker of Tatar national culture. This allowed to attribute some early medieval archaeological and ethnographic artifacts. The origins of the formation of earrings are largely associated with the Golden Horde period of the ethnocultural history of the people, especially the Kazan Tatars. The technological and ornamental traditions of the Golden Horde filigree are preserved at all stages of their formation. The earliest examples of the Juchida filigree are known in the 14th century almond-shaped earrings from the burial ground in the vicinity of Bulgar town.  Archaeological artifacts, close analogues of the Kazan-Tatar earrings, are dated by us to the 15th–16th centuries. This filigree tracery (gimp) without base. It reflects the process of integrating the Golden Horde elements (curl in one turn) and technological methods (openwork filigree without base) into the jewelry art of Kazan Tatars through the traditions of the Bulgarian filigree. The Golden Horde filigree traditions also dominate in the massive almond-shaped head ornaments of the 16th – 18th centuries. Such large forms of jewelry are in correspondence not with nomadic traditions, but with the monumental forms of the urban costume of the medieval nobility. The technological traditions of the Juchi spiral filigree in the Tatar almond-shaped earrings, as in the Kazan-Tatar filigree art in general, continued until the beginning of the 20th century.

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