
Tkachev A.A.   Gyurdzhoyan K.G.   Tkachev A.A.   Filatova M.O.  

Dendrochronological Dating of Early Christian Burials in the Taz Arctic: Preliminary Data

Reporter: Filatova M.O.

As a result of archeological work on the territory of the Tazovsky District of the YNAO, it were discovered 2 new archaeological objects: the settlement of Num-khibia-sikheri (NKhS) VI and the burial ground of Num-khibia-sikheri VIa. During the excavations it was releaved a large amount of archaeological timber of a high degree of preservation, which made possible to carry out a dendrochronological analysis in order to determine the time of timber harvesting for the construction of these archaeological sites with an accuracy of a year/season.
The conducted analysis showed that: grave 4 of  NKhS VI is dated no earlier than 1909; grave 7 of NKhS VI - not earlier than the 2nd half of the 18th century; grave 2 NKhS VIа – not earlier than 1840s; grave 4 of NKhS VIа – not earlier than 1830s; grave 9 of the NKhS VIа – not earlier than the second quarter of the 19th century.
This paper contributes to the solution of the scientific problem associated with the chronological framework of Num-khibia-sikheri VI and VIa sites’ functioning, and also prepares the basis for further research related to the analysis of t the funeral rite’s features and the items found in them.

Abstracts file: Ткачев А.А. и др. Таблица к тезисам (Тюмень).docx
Full text file: Ткачев А.А. и др. Тезисы (Тюмень).docx

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