Россия, г. Тюмень
XXIII международный научный симпозиум "Интеграция археологических и этнографических исследований"/ The XXIII th international scientific symposium «The Integration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Researches»

Tikhonov S.S.   Korusenko M.A.  

SOME DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF ETHNO/ETHNOARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH (based on the materials of West Siberian archeology and ethnography)

Reporter: Tikhonov S.S.

In the article the authors consider new directions of research of the culture of the population of Western Siberia, which appeared as part of the research of ethnographic and archaeological complexes (EAC) of Siberian Tatars and Russians of Siberia, conducted by a search group of Omsk scientists under the general leadership of N.A. Tomilov. All of it are based on a comprehensive study of archaeological, ethnographic, written, geographical, natural-scientific and other sources. We believe that they are relevant not only to ethno/ethnographic-archaeological research and the study of late archaeological sites, but also to the development of theory, methodology, source studies and practical research in various fields of sciences about the past and present state of culture of ethnic groups leading/leading a traditional way of life: archaeology, ethnography, history, cultural studies.

Full text file: Тихонов_Корусенко_статья_Интеграция_итог_2.rtf

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