
Tomilov N.A.  

International simposium of ethnoarchaeology in Barnaul

Information is provided on the work of the XXI International Scientific Symposium "Integration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Studies" dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of A.F. Middendorf and the 130th anniversary of the birth of S.I. Rudenko. Reports on the historiography, theory, source study and methodology of the ethnoarcheological scientific direction, on the study of the Kulaisky historical and cultural community, as well as reports on the results of practical work in the field of integration of archeology, ethnography, other humanities and natural sciences are reported.

Keywords: ethnoarchaeology; аrchaeology; ethnography; integration of science; Scientific Symposium; Historical and cultural community.

Full text file: Международный симпозиум по этноархеологии.doc

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