
Kassal B.Y.  

Images - flip-flops on a silver buckle from the burial ground Sidorovsky-I (II-IV centuries AD)

In the interpretation of zoomorphic images, an erudite zoologist, who knows not only the appearance of an animal, but also the ability from biological, ethological and other natural-science positions to explain what is depicted, with the possibilities of using computer graphics, should participate in the works of applied art. On the silver buckle from the Sidorovsky-I burial ground, the image of a trot in various poses and angles, and, possibly, two birds in the process of courtship, having real faunistic prototypes, repeats itself many times. Comparison of works of applied art of the Siberian world at the level of a single article or its details with known animal patterns is a qualitative method of revealing polysemantic images on them.

Key words: applied art, silver buckle, zoomorphic images, faunistic prototypes.

Abstracts file: Серебряная пряжка.bmp
Full text file: Кассал-ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЯ–ПЕРЕВЕРТЫШИ+++.doc

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