

Timetable in PDF (for printing)

First week, September 09-13

Monday, September 9

 09:00   Registration
 10:00   School opening
 11:00   Parallel hardware architectures and Supercomputing Technology (I)
 12:30   Lunch
 14:00   Parallel hardware architectures and Supercomputing Technology (II)
 15:30   Coffee break
 16:00   Parallel hardware architectures and Programming Models
 17:30   End

Tuesday, September 10

 10:00   OpenMP: Introduction and Execution Model
 11:30   Coffee break
 12:00   OpenMP: Worksharing Directives
 13:00   Lunch
 14:00   OpenMP: Data Environment and Combined constructs
 15:30   Coffee break
 16:00   OpenMP: Pitfalls and Optimization problems
 17:30   End

Wednesday, September 11

 10:00   MPI: Overview
 11:30   Coffee break
 12:00   MPI: Process Model
 13:00   Lunch
 14:00   MPI: Point-to-Point Communication
 15:30   Coffee break
 16:00   MPI: Non-Blocking Communication
 17:30   End

Thursday, September 12

 10:00   MPI: Collective communication
 11:30   Coffee break
 12:00   MPI: Error handling
 13:00   Lunch
 14:00   MPI: Groups & Communicators, Environment management
 15:30   Coffee break
 16:00   MPI: Virtual topologies
 17:30   End

Friday, September 13

 10:00   MPI: One-sided communication
 11:30   Coffee break
 12:00   MPI: Shared memory One-sided communication
 13:00   Lunch
 14:00   Participant's presentations
 16:30   End

Second week, September 16-20

Monday, September 16

 10:00   Advanced MPI: Derived datatypes
 11:30   Coffee break
 12:00   Advanced MPI: Parallel file I/O
 13:00   Lunch
 14:00   Advanced MPI: MPI and Threads
 15:30   Coffee break
 16:00   Advanced MPI: Process management and Other MPI features
 17:30   End

Tuesday, September 17

 10:00   Program optimization for single processor performance (I)
 11:30   Coffee break
 12:00   Program optimization for single processor performance (II)
 13:00   Lunch
 14:00   Program optimization for single processor performance (III)
 15:30   Coffee break
 16:00   Program optimization for single processor performance (IV)
 17:30   End

Wednesday, September 18

 10:00   Tools for Performance Analysis (I)
 11:30   Coffee break
 12:00   Tools for Performance Analysis (II)
 13:00   Lunch
 14:00   Tools for Performance Analysis (III)
 15:30   Coffee break
 16:00   Tools for Performance Analysis (IV)
 17:30   End

Thursday, September 19

 10:00   Hybrid Programming on Modern Clusters
 11:30   Coffee break
 12:00   Hackathon problems presentation
 13:00   Lunch
 14:00   Hackathon (I)
 15:30   Coffee break
 16:00   Hackathon (II)
 17:30   End

Friday, September 22

 10:00   Hackathon (III)
 11:00   Coffee break
 11:30   Hackathon results presentations
 12:30   School closing
 13:00   End