
Сайберт В.О.  

Reconstruction of the natural environment of the Upper Ob region in the 1st millennium AD (to the problem`s statement)

 The article is devoted to the setting of the problem of studying and reconstructing the natural living conditions of the population of the Upper Ob region in the 1st millennium AD. Currently known attempts to reconstruct the climate indicate favorable conditions for living in the considering territory. The study of the issue with natural science methods allowed researchers to identify short-term climate variations from warm to cold, as well as periods of moisture or aridity. Such results were obtained using spore-pollen determinations, lake sediments, geochemical, palynological and dendrochronological data.
Based on considered data, it can be concluded that in the study and reconstruction of the climatic conditions of the Upper Ob region in the 1st millennium AD consensus did not found. A number of authors speak of a favorable and warm climate, while others note cold periods. Further analysis of the known data and replenishment of the source database with new information will make possible to obtain a more accurate reconstruction of the natural conditions in which historical and cultural processes took place in the considering region.

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