
Перевозчикова С.А.   Калугина Д.А.  

Landscape changes in the pre-revolutionary Sarapul of the Udmurt Kama region

Reporter: Перевозчикова С.А.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main landscape changes in pre-revolutionary Sarapul, one of the oldest cities in Udmurtia. Sarapul appeared in the XVI century as a fortpost on the new territory during the period of russian colonization. The initial development of the territory is associated with the natural landscape and resources. The development was carried out freely, taking into account the terrain. At the end of the XVIII century, the free development of the town was replaced by a regular one. The street has changed its direction. Old reservoirs (rivers Yurmanka, Vonyavka, Boyarka and lakes Big, Small and Raw) prevented the development of the city, so they began to gradually fill up with earth. During the redevelopment of the city center part was cut during the XIX century, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations in 2017. Part of the cemetery fell under the construction of houses. In 1776, a stone Cathedral was built on the square, on the site of the cemetery. For terracing the southern and eastern slopes of natural elevation in 1812, the French prisoners began building stone shopping malls.

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