
Балюнов И.В.  

Some characteristics of the appropriating economy of residents of the city of Tobolsk in the XVII-XVIII centuries

In the XVII-XVIII centuries Russian settlers beyond the Urals were characterized by a multi-industry economy, which included animal husbandry, agriculture, fishing, hunting, and gathering. Material confirmation of the existing crafts are the finds of hunting and fishing equipment items from the cultural layer of Tobolsk. The collection includes details of firearms and cold weapons: bullets, food flints, ramrod tips, bone lining on the bow, iron and bone arrowheads. According to the purpose and method of use, it can be considered that fishing tools of three types were mainly used: a gaff, hook tackle and nets. The existing variety of fishing equipment, revealed on the basis of archaeological finds, is well confirmed by the materials of written sources. At the same time, it should be noted that the presented specimens of net gear have no analogues in the materials of late medieval monuments of the taiga zone of Western Siberia. At the same time, numerous analogies can be found in the archaeological collections of the Russian population of both the European part of Russia and Siberia. On the basis of this, it can be argued that hunting and fishing among the residents of Tobolsk developed, primarily under the influence of Russian traditions. It can be argued that the Russian settlers in Western Siberia were quite conservative in economic activities, and the basis of the diet was the products of agriculture and cattle breeding. Hunting and fishing developed based on the local production of necessary equipment, while these industries were oriented to the market and existed to a large extent as a commodity production.

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