
Amirgaliyev, Yedilkhan Nesipkhanovich

Institute of Information and Computational technologies
Kazakhstan, Almaty

Reports list

  1. Mamyrbayev O.Z.*, Amirgaliyev Y.N.*, Muratkhanova T.A.**
    Recognition of isolated words using the Bayes' theorem
    *Institute of Information and Computational technologies (Almaty), Kazakhstan
    **Institute of Information and Computational Technologies (Almaty), Kazakhstan
  2. Kalimoldayeva A.S.*, Amirgaliyev Y.N.**
    The module of lexical and morphological analyzer in the development of semantic search engine for kazakh language
    *Institute of information and computing technologies (Almaty), Kazakhstan
    **Institute of Information and Computational technologies (Almaty), Kazakhstan
  3. Erzin A.*, Amirgaliyev Y.N.**, Shabelnikova N.***
    Wireless sensor networks and computational geometry problems
    *Sobolev Institute of Mathematics of SB RAS (Novosibirsk), Russia
    **Institute of Information and Computational technologies (Almaty), Kazakhstan
    ***Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk), Russia

To participants list