Information letter

International School-Conference of young scientists “Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Informatics”, devoted to the 50th anniversary of ICM&MG SB RAS will be held at June
8–13, 2014 in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.

The Novosibirsk Computer Center (nowadays ICM&MG) SB RAS was founded by Academician G.I.Marchuk at January, 1, 1964. In the first years of formation of the institute the main directions of its scientific activity was formed, such as numerical and applied mathematics and informatics. For half a century at institute the world level scientific schools in such areas as classical numerical analysis, theory and applications of numerical statistical modelling, mathematical modelling in geophysics, theory of information systems, modern aspects of parallel and distributed computations, were developed.

Existence of these scientific schools defines the main subjects of anniversary School-Conference
«Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Informatics»:
• Numerical Analysis,
• Methods of Numerical Statistical Modelling. Monte Carlo methods,
• Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Methods in Geophysics,
• Parallel and Distributed Computations,
• Information Systems.

The program of the School-Conference «Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Informatics» includes listening by participants of plenary and section reports of the international conference «Advanced Mathematics, Computations and Applications», and also survey lectures of leading researches of ICM&MG SB RAS and scientific reports of participants of the School- Conference.


Working languages of the School-Conference – Russian and English.

Deadline of reception of theses on the conference site – May 4, 2014.

Contact information on the School-Conference can be received on the e-mail address