Abstract submission
The final scientific program-brochure and compact disk with the abstracts of plenary and keynote lectures and oral presentations will be available at the registration desk.
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) will be assigned to an electronic issue of the Book of Abstracts.
Seminar publications
Authors of lectures and oral presentations (20 and 10 min) are invited to publish materials in a special issue of Kinetics & Catalysis Journal.
The materials of lectures should not exceed 14-16 pages; the materials of oral contributions should not exceed 10-12 pages.
All manuscripts of A4 format should be typed 1.5 line spaced using 12 points font.
The manuscripts (in English for foreign authors; in English and Russian for Russian authors)
should be submitted to the Kinetics & Catalysis both by e-mail: kincat@ioc.ac.ru and (2 hard copies) by regular post
(“Kinetics and Catalysis”, Zelinsky IOC RAS, Leninsky Prospect 47, Moscow 119991, Russia) before October 15, 2013.
Contact telephone: +7 (499)135 53 58.
All manuscripts will be peer reviewed following the standard procedure.
The special guides of the Kinetics & Catalysis for authors and copyright transfer agreements are available:
the special guides of the Kinetics & Catalysis
for German authors:
Guide KinCat-Authors-English.doc
for Russian authors:
A copyright transfer agreements
for German authors:
Copyright Transfer Agreement_eng.doc
for Russian authors:
Договор анг версия на рус языке.doc
Договор рус версия на рус языке.doc
The time of presentation (including some time for questions) is 40 min for a plenary lecture, 30 min for a keynote lecture and 20 min (10 min) for an oral presentations.
Overhead facilities and beamer for the projection of computer or video signal on the screen will be provided. It is recommended that you prepare computer presentations
in *.ppt format (Microsoft Power Point from MS Office package) and save the files on USB flash drive.