
Denic, Nebojsa

Professor, Doktor

Alfa BK University
Serbia, Belgrade

Reports list

  1. Gavrilovic S.*, Denic N.**, Korac V.***, Petrovic V.***
    Application of e-learning tools in different ways of implementation
    *Faculty of Information Technology, Alfa BK University (Belgrade), Serbia
    **Alfa BK University (Belgrade), Serbia
    ***School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies (Belgrade), Serbia
  2. Gavrilovic S.*, Denic N.**, Korac V.***, Petrovic V.***
    Application of video conference in education and possible ways of its implementation
    *Faculty of Information Technology, Alfa BK University (Belgrade), Serbia
    **Alfa BK University (Belgrade), Serbia
    ***School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Studies (Belgrade), Serbia

To participants list