
Djekic T.   Filipovic I.  

Application of geographic information system for controlling the soil pollution in the municipality Vrbas

Докладчик: Djekic T.

The paper presents possibilities of application of GIS systems for governing in environment protection within a municipality using the municipality Vrbas in Vojvodina, as the example. In mentioned municipality was performed modeling for distinct environmental elements, and their natural values are presented along with values after pollution. The main task of this paper is application of GIS technologies for determination of environmental conditions, while the main aim is to point on possible governing over natural elements through these technologies. In this paper was used the ArcGIS Program, scholar version, which is at disposal on the Department for Geography.
Key words: GIS, governing, environment, Vrbas

Файл с полным текстом: Mit 2013 rad za konferenciju eng.doc

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