Abstract submission

The final Scientific Program brochure and Book of Abstracts of lectures, oral and poster presentations on a USB key will be available
at the registration desk.
The electronic version of the Book of Abstracts will be given an International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and State Registration Number.

Special issue of Kinetics and Catalysis

Authors of keynote lectures and oral presentations (20 and 10 min) are invited to submit  manuscripts  related to their presentations,
to be published in a special issue of Kinetics and Catalysis (no. 5 in 2017).
Manuscripts will be peer reviewed following the standard procedure.

Manuscripts texts of keynote lectures should not exceed 16 pages;  texts of  20 min oral contributions - 12 pages ;  texts of  10 min oral contributions - 10 pages.
A4 page format should be used; the text should be should be Times New Roman 12 pt, 1.5 line spaced.

The texts (in English for foreign authors; in English and Russian for Russian authors) should be submitted to Kinetics and Catalysis before October 25, 2016,
both by e-mail: (kincat@ioc.ac.ru ) and by regular post (“Kinetics and Catalysis”, Zelinsky IOC RAS, Leninsky Prospect 47, Moscow 119991, Russia) .
Contact tel.: +7 (499)135 53 58.

Please see attached the guidelines for Kinetics and Catalysis:

for Russian-speaking authors      Guidelines for Authors-rus.pdf
for non-Russian-speaking authors       Guidelines for Authors-eng.pdf

And the copyright transfer agreement:
for Russian authors     copyright_rus.doc,     copyright_rus_maik.doc
for non-Russian-speaking authors    copyright_allerton_eng.doc