Organizing committee

Fefelov Vasily Fedorovich, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities of OmSTU

Yudin Evgeny Borisovich, Head of the Scientific Information Department of OmSTU

Atabekov Aziz Ikramovich, Digital technologies and Artificial intelligence Development Research Institute, Uzbekistan

Zadorin Alexander Ivanovich, Chief Researcher, Head of the Laboratory "Mathematical Modeling in Mechanics" of the Omsk Branch of the Institute of Mathematics named after S. L. Sobolev SB RAS

Oleg Stukach, Professor, Department of Computer Measurement Systems and Metrology, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Normahmad Ravshanov, Professor, Tashkent University of Information Technology, Uzbekistan

Alexey Vladimirovich Bubnov, Professor, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, OmSTU

Elena Vankevich, Vice-Rector for Science, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vitebsk State Technological University, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Belarus

Kozlov Alexander Gennadievich, Professor of the Department of Radio Engineering Devices and diagnostics systems OmSTU

Shchelkanov Andrey Vladimirovich, Associate Professor, Department of Radio Engineering Devices and Diagnostic Systems, OmSTU