
Djojodihardjo H.  

Analytical and cfd visualization studies of coandă mav

Coandă effect and Coandă jet have found many applications in engineering, among others in aircraft and vehicle technology [1-4]. In particular, Coandă MAV's are in active developments, and various configurations have been proposed and developed. For the purpose of designing a Coandă MAV which could meet the desired mission and design requirements, it is mandatory to establish the basic working relationships between various relevant variables and parameters governing the aerodynamics forces. To assist the analysis, design and developments of Coandă MAV's, several tools can be resorted to. The first is the analytical tool which capitalizes on the basic fundamental principles. The second is the utilization of Computational Fluid Dynamics, (CFD) which has the advantage of providing visualization for significant insight and identification to the problem at hand, which then can be utilized in enhancing the analysis and identifying specific details. Experimental tools can benefit from the insight gained by analysis and CFD computational and visualization studies, in the preliminary study stage by designing specific experiments as well as in the conceptual and prototype design stages. Various CFD studies have also indicated that there are still significant discrepancies between CFS and experimental studies [5], which necessitate the existence of specific baseline configurations for validation purposes.
It is with such motivation that the present work carries out analysis and CFD visualization studies on two configurations as baseline; these are the spherical and cylindrical Coandă MAV's, as further defined and elaborated.

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